Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney's The Little Mermaid is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. Ariel, King Triton's youngest daughter, wishes to pursue the human Prince Eric in the world above, bargaining with the evil sea witch, Ursula, to trade her tail for legs. But the bargain is not what it seems, and Ariel needs the help of her colorful friends, Flounder the fish, Scuttle the seagull and Sebastian the crab to restore order under the sea.
Director/Choreographer: Linda Goodrich
Asst Director: Gregory Keng Strasser
Asst Choreographer: Aiden Ziegler-Hansen, Daniel Schwartzberg
Scenic Design: J Branson
Lighting Design: Janak Jha
Costume Design: George Bacon
Puppet Design: Sarah Norton
Props Design: Patrick Drone
Stage Manager: Nicholas Schafer
In order of appearance:
Principals: Halli Toland, Trevor Carr, Sarah Lynn Marion, Liam Allen, Leighton Samuels, Barry Riggins, Matt Kemp, Aiden Ziegler-Hansen, Simon Longknight, Elliott Styles, and Samuel Hamashima
Ensemble: McKenzie Kurtz, Isabel Stein, Natalie Duncan, Alyah Scott, Leanne Antonio, Jordyn Norkey, Jessica Gomes-Ng, Kat Ward, Commodore Prious, Christopher Washington, Spencer Croy, Kyle McClellan, Devon McClesky, Lake Wilburn, Cydney Clark, Aaron Robinson, Matt Sena, Peter Scattini
Swing: Daniel Schwartzberg
Halli Toland
Liam Allen, Leighton Samuels, Daniel Schwartzberg
Leanne Antonio, Isabel Stein, McKenzie Kurtz, Alyah Scott, Natalie Duncan, Jordyn Norkey
Sarah Lynn Marion
Halli Toland
Trevor Carr
Halli Toland, Barry Riggins
Matt Kemp and ensemble
Matt Kemp, McKenzie Kurtz, Alyah Scott