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in development

Hi everyone!

My day job is in content producing at Shanghai Media Group so I am currently based in Washington D.C. I truly never thought I would live in this vibrant town, but c'est la vie!

First: The Living Lakes has second life in Chicago! I worked on this stunning collection of pieces, primarily as the Associate Director and later the chief deviser of the movement Walking Boots. Anita and Joel, the artistic directors of the project, will restage the new version this fall. I will not be associated in this incarnation, but please check out this gorgeous work at

As many of you know, My Infinite Tales was workshopped in Ann Arbor this past May as a part of an affiliation with the BellTable Laboratory in Limerick, Ireland. I'm currently developing the work along with a new play!

The Osiriyan Tales (I know, I'm not good at titles) is a play based on Egyptian myths. Well, it's actually based on one myth - The Osiris myth - but I used numerous others in creating the world of the play. I workshopped the text back in Indonesia with Yayasan Bali Purnati and The Onion Company and I further developed it while working on The Cherry Orchard at the Ragdale Foundation. I feel that it has reached that point of maturity where I can start to talk about it. Here's my official description:

Sex. Power. Scandal. Long ago, The God of Life, Osiris, had a tumultuous affair with his brother’s lover. Angered by this betrayal, Set, his younger and jealous sibling, murders Osiris at the height of his power and glory. Yet the magic of Osiris is mighty, leaving his wife, Isis, pregnant with their child – Horus, who will grow to be the perfect match for his uncle, both in prowess and in the bedchamber. A tale of sensuality and lust, the ancient Egyptian myth is among the most famous of its canon.

More to come.


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